SEO Montreal

How does your business rank on Google?

RankRise is a specialized Google SEO agency and marketing agency in Montreal. We’re dedicated to helping local businesses thrive in our multilingual, and competitive business environment by improving their website and Google presence.


With our expertise in search engine optimization, Google Ads and Google Search Marketing, we understand the unique needs and characteristics of Montreal businesses and the opportunities that marketing in both French and English offers.

we're seo ninjas!

How we approach SEO


We uncover what's preventing your website from ranking higher in search engines by analyzing your website.


We'll work you to discover which Keywords you're ranking for, and which positions they have in the SERPs.


On-page and Off-page SEO techniques are used to improve your content and boost their rankings.

it's complicated

Why Montreal Businesses Need SEO

Montreal is a vibrant hub of diverse businesses, each vying for attention in a competitive market. In such a dynamic, multilingual, and multicultural environment, having a competent online presence is crucial for attracting local customers and staying ahead of the competition.


Our tailored SEO strategies are designed to enhance your visibility, drive targeted traffic that becomes leads and customers, and ultimately, boost your revenue.

Unique Challenges
Montreal's Multi-lingual Environment

One of the distinguishing features of Montreal is its rich linguistic diversity. With a significant portion of the population fluent in both English and French, catering to multi-language clients and businesses requires a nuanced approach.


Our team understands the intricacies of linguistic targeting and can craft SEO campaigns that resonate with your target audience, regardless of their preferred language.

search engine visibility
Local Expertise, Global Reach

As a local Google marketing agency, we pride ourselves on our deep-rooted knowledge of the Montreal business landscape. From the bustling streets of downtown to the quaint neighborhoods of Plateau-Mont-Royal, we’ve helped countless businesses across the city achieve online success.


Our intimate understanding of local trends, consumer behavior, and cultural nuances enables us to deliver results that matter.

we get it
Our Approach to Montreal SEO

At RankRise, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we take a personalized approach to SEO, tailoring our strategies to align with your business goals, industry dynamics, and target audience.


Whether you’re a small boutique in Old Montreal or a tech startup in Mile End, we’ll work closely with you to develop a customized SEO roadmap that drives measurable results.

of organic search drives traffic
of traffic is from mobile
bounced traffic due to slow page speed
of all searches have local intent
we can help
Why Choose Us?
  • Multilingual Strategies: Understanding of both French and English to maximize reach.
  • Proven Track Record: We have a proven track record of delivering tangible results for businesses of all sizes across Montreal.
  • Transparent Communication: We believe in transparent communication every step of the way, keeping you informed and involved throughout the SEO process.
  • Ongoing Strategy: Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with the implementation of our SEO strategies. We provide ongoing support and optimization to ensure long-term growth and sustainability.


Why is SEO important for my business?
Will I be able to monitor progress?
How do you optimize ad copy for better performance?